Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Born Again Believer.

It's been a while... But I'm back! Different site, same person, more drama than ever.... I began my "bloggin journey" years back on xanga. But it's a different day, and most definitely a different person.. Time to grow up.

I've always believed in writing to clear the mind. And I think its great that I can write on the computer. Growing up, I always kept a journal, part of me thinks its what kept me sane. But I think writing on here is easier and thoughts come a little quicker for some reason.

A Little about myself. I'm almost a college grad majoring in Musical Theatre. I have great friends, which is something that I'm definitely realizing now, in light of some recent decisions that have been made. I'm an only child in one way, but one of SEVERAl in another. I have found love and I will do whatever it takes to keep it. Like most black families, they are very religious.... and I'm not. I do believe in God, but not a God of convenience, which I see is the case with most people. While Politics can be interesting, I find myself only caring the most about it every 4 years... I'm a workaholic, mainly because I have a phobia of not being able to support myself, no matter how big or small the paycheck. Having said that, I think that sleep is a luxury, expecially in college. I have an addiction to Starbucks, thank God I'm friends with some of the coworkers or I'd be broke ;)

stay tuned.

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